My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Gone, Gone, Gone is around 52,500 words but its slow-going pace made it seem longer. Not that the pacing was bad — it was smooth as it could be, but it made my reading experience dull. The novel had many elements for a good drama, enough to create a tornado of it, but the plot was largely drama-less, which I didn't know whether to appreciate or to dislike.
The novel was told in 1st PoV and alternated its chapters between Craig and Lio's side. I generally disdain multiple PoVs but both characters were likable enough for me to overcome my preference for a single PoV. I liked Craig and Lio equally that I never got frustrated when one chapter of one boy's side ended and another chapter of the other boy's side began.
The Characters
+++ Craig
Craig had many quirks that would have irritated me vastly were he another character in another book. He cry for odd reasons and at odd times, which fortunately happened few and far. He frequently dwell in his head, which contributed to making the story ho-hum. He ramble a lot, something only the reader can see from Lio's side.
Craig haven't got over his ex-boyfriend who treated him badly. Granted, Cody had a mental breakdown after his dad died in 9/11 but still. I don't blame Cody, but I do blame Craig for not moving on and be with Lio earlier in the story.
Finally, Craig insisted on searching for his missing pets during the Beltway Sniper Shootings, going against his family's wishes for Craig to stay home and be safe. To say the least, Craig repeatedly made this unwise decision. He searched for his pets throughout the story — all the while random people were being shot all over the city.
So why did I like Craig regardless of his quirks? I liked Craig because he had a huge heart for pets in need and when he stood up to Lio when Lio was being insensitive. I found Craig mildly adorable.
+++ Lio
Lio was kind of like Squall from Final Fantasy VIII but without the apathy. He doesn't talk much, but he does listen attentively and care deeply. For a boy who survived cancer, whose parents were divorced, who was homesick for NYC, who attended therapy regularly, Lio remained collected. Most of the time, anyway.
My one gripe against Lio was his smoking habit, which the story didn't go in-depth or resolved. I felt Lio's smoking was his way of dealing with survivor's guilt because he survived cancer but his twin didn't.
It was kinda amusing in a way. Lio had issues but I thought it was Craig who needed therapy. At least Craig's parents thought so. Overall, Lio was a cool dude.
In Conclusion
This book was a 2.5 for me. The plot happened during the Beltway Sniper Shootings in the shadow of 9/11 that was a year before. The story dealt the two historic events gracefully, but I wish it would encompassed some action.
I appreciated how Craig and Lio being gay was a non-issue. The story focused on the two dealing with their personal matters and coming to term with their feeling for one another. The novel was romantic and poignant as it was accurately blurbed. Intense, however, the novel wasn't. I found the conflict muted, which is why I rounded down.
I rate Gone, Gone, Gone 2 stars for it was okay. I recommend the novel for those who like realistic contemporary romance, those who prefer their LGBT fiction to be non-issue, and those looking for something drama-less but still have depth after reading an angst-heavy book. FWIW, Gone, Gone, Gone was good, good, good literature.
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